Monday, October 20, 2008

What am I doing?

Well, it only took about a week before the novelty of writing a blog every day wore off. Why do people do this blog stuff? Why do people (including me) think that the rest of the world cares what they think or had for breakfast for that matter? I mean, I thought I should do it because it's another way for me to get images of my paintings up on the web. But after a few days I realized that I couldn't think of anything to write about! So maybe I should just post a picture of a painting every day and call it good.


Unknown said...

... too bad you don't have any far flung Personages of past persnickety Verbosety to aid in the needed ADDAGE of word word word wordy words - of the like of: "at midnight all the agents and the super human crew - come out and round up everyone who knows more than they do. Then they bring them to the factory where the heart attack machines - are strapped across their sholders - and then the kerosene - is brought down from the castle by insurance men who go - check to see that nobody is escaping TO - DESOLATION ROW." D. Bylan
- from your old pal - steveZ.

Diane Cutter said...

Hey, Monica... Get blogging again. Everyone needs some 'musings from El Yunque' or 'thoughts on keeping bugs out of plein aire paintings'...